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A New Way of Speed Teaching for 2025.   Tools and Video  You need both

GET CONNECTEDI can teach you in 2 minutes in person, and I've devised this online lesson to teach you at home, with Hot Links and a Free Support group to aid you as you progress. The Psychic part is instant.  This is not Meditation

I have discovered new ways to get visual answers and confirmation in minutes to anything! I learned I was Psychic recently, after years of "Coincidences." Since then, I have been attempting to connect all my friends on FB for FREE with much skepticism.  That helped me even more because those that asked had a connection in minutes!  Connection has been a 100% success rate. You can confirm anything in the world once you get connected. I have found out it's easier to show a person they are Psychic than for me to try and "Prove I am."  It Makes more sense this way.  That's why it's NEW! Once you get answers and people find you can get answers! It never stops. 

Be careful who you tell, or set your boundaries Early!  

Relationships, Business, Past Lives, Health! Religions: Confirm anything or anyone. Even me. Yep, that's how it works. It does not matter what your stance is on Religion. It does not matter if you are for or against anything.   I show you techniques to get these answers. Once connected, you can verify anything you want. Find out how many false truths you built your life around.  

This method is not Tarot, Oracle, Reiki, horoscopes, Palm reading, Numerology, etc, but  They are all connected. It's not me fortune telling. It's me showing you that you can do this yourself!  People have  Skepticism about Mediums on TV, reading people in the Audience.  Cut out the middleman. Find the truth.  I use my method to confirm all other techniques. Hence the speed of learning.  All of this is laid out for you.

I have connected Spiritual mediums and given them this final piece they didn't even know! Win-Win

It takes little practice. Once you Trust, every answer is correct! When everyone gets the same answer, different people at different locations, and the question answered was thought, is pretty hard to deny. ? The first thing I do is connect with you. Then you do the rest. You will do this in minutes.

I've done the work for you. Now, let me teach you.  

It took time to go public. You will have support and avoid the pitfalls I overcame going Solo. That's when your world opens up!

There are plenty of good teachers to hone your intuition. I'm offering you an instant connection where you will get undeniable answers to burning questions Google can't answer.  All those questions are in your head. The difference is that this information is Always the Truth. 

You will need dowsing rods or a pendulum to get started. I've given you suggestions. I make no money on the tools just the course.  Order that now or use your own.   Then order the course. 

You need

A pair of 99.9% Copper L rods. This is your Wi-Fi. You are the Router. I'm your I.T. guy. Once Connected, there is no monthly fee. It's free for life!

I provide

A detailed Video on how to do this at home.  I also teach in person.

Private Support group with everything you need to get fantastic at this. 

Excellent videos and educational posts on do's and don'ts to speed up the process!

I have a set of steps to get you connected and show you how to ask a question. One video will show you how I freestyle to ask a question.

We learn by trial and error. I'm a swift learner. I'm saving you so much time, and you had no Clue you're even Psychic. You can't Google what I'm teaching because I just created it. I'm here to connect and teach you how to find the truth about anything. Once you have that, you can confirm anything—I mean anything

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